Wednesday 15 January 2014

Really Recovering

I think I may actually, finally, be on the Road To Recovery!!

The nerve release operation in my legs was a huge success!  Just like the elbow surgery, the nerve pain relief after surgery was instant, and while I may be left with some pretty big scars, they are a tiny price to pay.

My poor body isn't used to moving, and my muscles and tendons are a testament to that, but in comparison to living with the constant agony, electric shocks, pins & needles, stabbing pain, shooting pain, numbness, ache etc, a bit of muscle fatigue is relatively small, and something I know the cause, I know how to fix it, and I know that it is temporary.

So now I am faced with POSSIBILITIES!!

I felt so hopeless, with doctors telling me that I was going to have to live with the pain for the rest of my life, I knew that my capacity to do ANYTHING was basically zero.

When my arms were at their worst, the one word I held onto was JOY
When my legs were at their worst, I couldn't seem to hold onto joy, and my word was HOPE

Now I have them permanently on my wrist, the place where I first noticed the pain.

I never want to forget this journey.  I always want to remember the place where I was at my worst, so I can look at each day with my new perspective, knowing that God held me through it all.  Knowing that it all has a bigger purpose, and that I am meant to do something with it.

If you live with pain constantly, please come and talk to me, I understand.
If you want advice, I am happy to give it to you, but ONLY if you ask.
I do not pretend to be an expert, and I know there is nothing worse than people who don't have a clue trying to solve all your problems.

But please know, you are not alone

Gold Coast Or Bust!!

I am pretty sure that I have said this a million times, but our family is moving to the Gold Coast......

The question is when.

I thought we had it all sorted out, everything seemed to be falling into place perfectly, but then the job for my hubby didn't eventuate, and we had to cancel ALL our plans.

It felt like I was standing in front of an out of control train

We were almost fully packed.  We had given notice, booked the truck, told the school the kids weren't coming back, sold more than half our stuff....

And the worst bit was, I had already left mentally & emotionally.

So when my husband said we can't do it, I feel like I broke.

I thought this was my chance at a new start.  One where my past pain (physical & emotional) was being left behind.  I thought that as everything was falling into place, that nothing would get in the way.

So now I have so many questions.
When can we go??
How do we work out how to be happy in limbo??
What step did I miss on the way??

I wish I had answers.  I wish that there was some page in my Bible that said "Hey Laura, you need to do ......"  (it's not there, I've searched), or an email from God with very clear instructions.

All I have is the full assurance that God has my life in the palm of His hand. That everything I do, He already knows, and has a plan for my life.  So I keep praying....  Somehow I have to stop the "why not now God???" prayers, and rest in His timing.

Please tell me how.